Dear Reader,
Attached is our latest list of stocks passing value screens (low P/E, below net current asset value, etc.), which don’t meet our investment criteria - and our reasoning.
This may help you avoid some ‘value traps’, and stocks that aren’t sufficiently attractive compared to opportunities available today.
For reports of stocks that pass our quantitative and qualitative standards:
Micro-cap Growth: Cassel
Cassel is a concentrated micro/small-cap 'growth' investor. Except for the size of companies we look at, his professed style is very different from ours but there are some useful points in the interview below:
31:45 Process
"Scarce" businesses that are publicly traded - dominant in its niche
Small growing profitable businesses
Good balance sheets to endure and capitalize on recessions
"Great" leadership
Double money in three years based on fundamentals
Partnership relationship with management